Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lovin' the Advent Conspiracy

http://www.adventconspiracy.org/ - Watch this video, it is awesome!

I love the advent conspiracy theme, it encompasses overall what I believe about life. Frugal isn't just about getting a deal, it is about using less and being there more. Consumerism, even when done with super sales and triple coupons, is still consumerism and it doesn't bring happiness.

Our church is pushing this theme this year and I am so thankful for that. The funny thing is that we are supposed to spend less on Christmas and then give half of what we don't spend to a charity of our choice. However, Super B and I already don't spend much on Christmas and there just isn't anything to cut back on in terms of presents etc. So for us the challenge will be to give away more this Christmas in terms of actual cold hard cash. I admit that while I am pretty good about curbing desires to spend money, I don't have a natural propensity to give money away either. As some Christians might phrase it, I don't have the gift of giving. So deciding how and what extra to give this year may be interesting. Of course I would love to give by taking on more pro-bono doula or childbirth class clients and perhaps that will happen. I guess we will bump along until Christmas and see what happens. In the mean time I am loving the Advent Conspiracy!

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