Thursday, March 19, 2009

16 weeks/Semi-midwife Appointment

I had my first semi-midwife appointment yesterday. I say semi because I have not technically hired her yet, but I know I am and she went ahead and did all the regular prenatal appointment stuff after we finished our interview.

Can I just say, I LOVE having her come to my house. It is spring break and all the kiddos are home but I didn't have to worry about finding childcare. In fact, during the appointment a different kid was usually hanging out with us between running in and out of the house, and Bean got to help listen to the baby's heartbeat. It is also so much more....modest. She checked out my belly with me just sitting on the couch and unbuttoning my jeans a bit. No robes, no waiting in a cold room. no rushing. She actually stayed almost 2 hours. Furthermore, I just went into my potty, did my thing and dipped my own stick. I like that much better than having my little "sample" labeled and sitting around for all the world to see while waiting for a nurse to test it. Having someone unnecessarily touch my body fluids is slightly gross in my opinion.

So next week or the week after I will officially start my prenatal care with Donnellyn. There are so many great midwives in this area, it was a really hard choice. However, I think that she will be a good match for us, especially given some of the other circumstances going on in our life.

My basic pregnancy stats at 16 weeks:
weight-gained 2 lbs.
heart beat- 167
feeling no nausea, but still lots of aversions, belly pic taken and will be posted soon


Mary said...

We had the same experience with our midwife for home prenatals. It rocks! I am so glad you are feeling a bit better.

susan said...

Where's the pic???