Sunday, April 20, 2008

The trouble with Christianity

The trouble with Christianity is all us Christians. Thank goodness it is not about us and it is about Him. Man oh man, I love God, but a lot of his followers are going to send me round the bend.

I wonder if anyone else every feels this way? When I look at my life, pretty much every major hurtful word or action was spoken to me by a fellow Christian. This is applies to the past and present issues. Of course that only means that I am probably the burr in someone else's saddle, hurting them without intending to by my sheer blindness or selfishness.

Though sometimes "fellowshipping" feels a bit like middle school.


Anonymous said...

I hear you loud & clear, sister. Sometimes I pray, "Lord, save me from your people!" :D

lls_armadillo at hotmail dot com

(I found your blog through tha AP group on Yahoo.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Christians unfortunately can be hurtful humans when we are not behaving like CHRIST, which is how we are supposed to behave.

Love and forgive and show grace and mercy.