Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Potty Talk

My littlest guy is certainly cute, but a bit slow. He didn't roll over until he was 11 months, didn't walk until 17 months and is just starting to talk at age 3. Nothing wrong with him, just not the fastest little guy to catch on to things.

However, he just potty trained himself! I thought given his past record that there was a realistic chance that he would be in dipes until Kindergarten. But he started refusing to wear a diaper about a week ago and has been pottying without accident ever since. We even went to Washington DC this past weekend and he asked to use the potty at the Air and Space Museum, the Capitol building, the American History Museum, the Washington Memorial...well you get the picture. Pretty much everywhere. We didn't use a single diaper on the trip.

I am especially shocked given the fact that as of probably two weeks ago he had NEVER put his pee pee in the potty....amazing what they can do when they put their minds to it (and when they know it is really inconvenient time for mom and dad like a trip to Washington DC...)

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