Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our hot date

Last night Super B and I finally had a date night. So what did we do? Did we go to a nice restaurant with fancy table cloths and candlelight? Did I slip into something slinky and let my hubby take me dancing?

Naw. We went to a cheap Mexican joint and then to a natrual grocery store that I had been wanting to check out but hadn't since it is out of my little sphere of activity. Seriously I could have bought out the store. So much that I have been making myself I could be buying there (veggie broth comes to mind!). Too bad it is not closer because unless I have a reason to be in that area, I will never drive there just to shop. But I did get a few bulk items that I can't get at Walmart, some flax and nutritional yeast as well as some bulk whole wheat pancake mix and sea salt.

What I really wanted to buy though was all the snack food. Dried snap peas, wasabi, pumpkin seeds. Oh, and chocolate covered malt balls in bulk. Key word bulk! Not sure how those are natural, but I am willing to suspend common sense on that one.

So I guess we are just old geezers these days. I don't even know if I own a slinky dress anymore!

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