Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Regular Day

My MOPs retreat was really great, but man, I am OLD! I stayed up chatting until about 3AM and seriously I have been dying the last few days b/c I am still tired. Back in the day I did that all the time and thought nothing of it. Hubby asked me if I really wanted to be a doula since I would have to be up all night sometimes. I don't think he appreciated me lolling around on the sofa when I got back!

I have a lot to do to get ready for our beach trip. I have sevaral pounds of zuccini in my fridge that I need to grate and freeze or they will go bad and tons of other produce I need to do something with. Eat maybe!!!

Heading to the pool though when W wakes up. I promised the kids I would "really" get in today so they are giddy with excitment. They think it is so cool when I get my hair fully wet. Goofballs!

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