Monday, July 9, 2007

You wanna know what chaps my hide?

Preachers that have highlighted hair, capped and whitened teetch and a fake tan. Than taking a glamor shots style photo and putting it on all the church literature.

Seriously, if a preacher needs to look that nice to invite people to his church, then what is the point of going???

What makes me say this...well I live within a few miles of a large megachurch here in the metroplex. Yesterday I got a doorknob flyer inviting my kids to their VBS. On one side of the flyer is the VBS info, the other side is a pic of Mr. Pretty Preacher and his bio. Ummmm, shouldn't the bio be about Jesus? Isn't that what the chuch is about?

And really, if you need a personal sylist before you can preach, I am thinking you are not really an authentic person. Call me odd, but I like authenticity when someone talks about their relationship with Christ.

1 comment:

Roger Ferrell said...

On behalf of all the ugly preachers who don't like their picture taken, we are much relieved to hear we don't have to look pretty.

I'm with ya.
