Sunday, February 22, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

I am giving myself an attitude adjustment, and goodness knows it is about time. This change is not just made possible by two consecutive days that have been vomit free, but also because I am sick of my own whining. As my family is all at church, I am also realizing I am not only missing life in general but the fellowship and worship that I need each week (each day really) to feel God's encouragement. This morning while laying around I have been listening to some great praise music and adjusting my attitude.

I AM PREGNANT, I AM NOT DYING. Life is very, very good. Ok, head on correctly again.

So, in these last few weeks of my personal isolation, things have been happening to others in my family. Today is W's third birthday. Hard to believe. What a blessing he has been to our family these last few years. At this stage he is so even tempered and happy. He loves everything and everyone and is just cute, cute, cute. His speech is coming along, though he certainly isn't breaking any records for speech acquisition. He says "love you too" all the time and comes up to hug me. He also started calling people (ok mainly his brother and sister) mean, when they don't cooperate with him, which is a lot of the time.

I admit I am not doing anything for his birthday today, not even a cake. But I won't whine about that, I will just plan to do it in a few weeks when I feel better. He and his three year old cohorts will not mind eating cake a few weeks after the real birthday. In fact, while Wes is a bit slow, I don't think any of his friends can actually distinguish between February and March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maria!! I had no idea you were pregnant. Did I miss an annoucement somewhere?