Friday, February 27, 2009

I did it, I got out of bed!

I just have to say, yesterday was one of those days that are a little crazy during the best of times, but seriously un-fun when, like me, you are not living in the best of times. But we are all here and in one piece so I guess the old adage that all's well that ends well still holds true.

Super B went out of town for business which left me the major obstacle of getting my kids to everywhere my kids needed to go, all while trying not to vomit in public. It just so happened that R had a soccer practice, and Bean had a soccer game. The lady who was assigned to bring me food for the day needed to reschedule and I needed to teach the second half of a long overdue childbirth class. (you know you can only put off those childbirth classes so long....) R also upped the ante by losing a tooth, so the tooth fairy also was called upon to make an appearance.

I can't say it was my most graceful day of parenting, but I am happy to say that everyone made it to where they needed to go, the class was taught (and I actually enjoyed myself teaching it), and I only misplaced Woo once at the soccer fields. I could not have done it if Super B had not gone by a local restaurant and bought 3 meals for me to eat during the day. Since I cannot do any cooking I was able to just eat out of my Styrofoam takeout boxes to avoid the extra ickiness that comes with an even slightly empty tummy. When he got back this afternoon, he stopped by from the airport and brought be another meal to help me last until tonight's meal arrives from a friend. What a sweet man....take-out is far better than flowers in my book!

So yay, I did it...but I hope before Super B's next trip I will be fully on the mend!

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