Friday, February 20, 2009

One good day then BOOM

So earlier this week I had a good day. I woke up not feeling an overwhelming urge to vomit, I pleasantly read the paper and then sat out in the sun for a bit. I even talked on the phone and told my friends I thought maybe I had turned the corner.

WRONG. The next two days have been some of the worst I have had and I feel I am back to total dehydration. Just call me raisin girl.

Can I also say that reading the Wall Street Journal each day is not adding to my overall state of mental health? While my life has been reduced to the walls of my bedroom, when I read the paper I am learning that apparently the world outside my four walls is falling apart, and quickly. Seems like life stinks for me and about everyone else in different ways. It is enough to make me dig deeper under my covers and plan to never come out, even if I should one day actually feel normal again. (which I am starting to believe will never happen anyway)

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