Sunday, February 15, 2009

my really bad life

So, I am pregnant. You would think I would be thrilled after all the whining I have done the past few years about wanting another baby. Alas, I am not least not now. Instead I am ill. Really ill. Since about 7 weeks pregnant I have been unable to eat or drink normally. I constantly feel I am on the verge of throwing up and about half the time I do. Throwing up brings no relief, just the general unpleasantness that throwing up brings. Food has become my arch enemy, nothing sounds or tastes good and I have to force myself to eat anything.

Drinking is even more antagonizing. Just typing the word water is making me dry heave as I type. My battle with drinking started with just the inability to look at, smell or be around water. I was able to drink grapefruit juice and lemonade though so I stayed hydrated. Those quickly become forbidden and then I tried Gatoraide as I had been able to drink that in previous pregnancies. Nope, one sip and my dream of drinking Gatoraide ended. OJ worked for a while but that too no longer stays down. The only thing I can drink now is mint herb tea and I see that relationship ending soon.

Honestly, I am thinking of going into the ER for fluids. My nose is bleeding constantly due to dryness, my lips are chapped and I can barely swallow b/c my mouth is so dry. Not to mention my blood pressure is obviously low since I can no longer stand without starting to faint. Needless to say, I have not left my bed in weeks except for a few brief outings.

So no, I am not at all pleased to be pregnant. My life is a living hell. I am 11 weeks and 3 days today. I hope I can hang on for a few more weeks....

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